Lambert Investments Inc.

Property Tax Penalties For Late Payments Pay Your Property Taxes If You Can

We received many inquiries about whether or not the state will waive penalties for late payment of property taxes. Over the weekend the state released the attached press release giving Counties and Cities the authority to waive penalties on late payments of property taxes on a “case by case” basis.

“Counties will use all existing authority to cancel penalties and other charges for homeowners, small businesses, and other property owners that are unable to pay their property taxes due to circumstances caused by COVID‐19 on a case‐by case basis. However, property owners who can pay or that haven’t been directly affected by COVID‐19, including international corporations and out‐of state landlords, still need to pay on time to keep critical government services running.”

The state certainly needs the money now to fund the emergency response to the Covid-19 Pandemic so it is encouraging all who can pay to pay now.
We do not have any specifics on what the “case by case” waiver process will entail. We will keep you up to date as we get more information from the State and City.

Click Here to Download the Property Tax Penalty Waiver

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