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Housing for Healthy California Program in the works

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has starting off 2018 on the right foot by putting into effect the creation of the Housing for a Healthy California Program.

Described in detail in Assembly Bill No. 74 (AB 74), Housing for a Healthy California is designed to create opportunities to serve California’s growing homeless population. Once implemented, the Program will provide competitive grants to counties requiring capital and operating assistance to build the necessary housing facilities.

The Housing for a Healthy California Program will also grant subsidies to help people manage their rent.

Recognizing the urgency of providing adequate housing for thousands Californians who struggle with homelessness, AB 74 requires the DHCD to fully implement the program by January 1, 2019.

Housing as health care

Housing for Healthy California, which amends the state’s Health and Safety Code, represents an important step in the homelessness alleviation programs in California and across the United States.  It acknowledges housing as a crucial component of health care.

In her commentary for The Mercury News, County of Santa Clara Health System director Rene Santiago connected long-term homelessness to the incidence of chronic medical, mental health and substance abuse struggles.

“People experiencing homelessness are more likely to be admitted as patients and stay longer than those with similar medical issues who are housed,” Santiago noted. “Homeless patients develop geriatric signs as early as age 45 or 50 and die from conditions that could have been treated if only they had a safe, decent place to live.”

By tackling the persistent problem of homelessness, Housing for a Healthy California protects the health of thousands of vulnerable and high-risk members of the state’s population.

Championing the bill

Housing for Healthy California, through AB 74, is championed by Assemblyman David Chiu. The measure was approved by Governor Jerry Brown in October 2017.  

Chiu  chairs the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee.  His sponsorship of AB 74 is the latest addition to a track record that focuses on addressing civil, human and domestic rights.

“This new program shifts the paradigm for how we tackle homelessness among people who have been without a roof for far too long,” said Chiu, on why the Housing for Healthy California Program ranks high on his legislative priority list.

“California is home to 20% of the nation’s homeless population and one-third of the nation’s chronically homeless population. I’m gratified that Governor Brown is helping to advance significant and innovative solutions to address this crisis.”

Eligibility for grant support

The Housing for Healthy California Program can award grants on a competitive basis to counties that are able to:

Eligible counties may use the grant for to fund acquisitions, assist project-based operations, and answer county administrative costs amounting to at least 5% of the total grant.Keep up with developments concerning Southern California’s investment-worthy real estate market with Lambert Investment, Inc. Call us today at 310-453-9656 or email your inquiries at

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