Lambert Investments Inc.

California legislature proposes a 25% rent reduction across the board. Please see the warning below from CAA

Tell the State Legislature to Oppose AB 828: the Unlawful, Unfair Attempt to Punish Housing Providers

A new legislative proposal in response to COVID-19 would force every rental property owner in California to reduce rents by 25% and subsidize the rents of their tenants.
AB 828 by Assemblyman Phil Ting ignores the robust rent and eviction controls already in place across California. It provides no assurances that landlords can collect rent, remove problem tenants, or get a fair hearing in the court system. Read CAA’s letter opposing AB 828 here.
We need your help to defeat this bill. Visit our Action Center to send a letter to your legislator urging them oppose AB 828.
This bill denies equal justice to housing providers by:
Click here to contact your state legislator and ask him or her to VOTE NO on AB 828 – Legislation that Cuts Rents 25%.
Urge a No Vote 
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